Channel: CMG | Church Motion Graphics
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8 Creative Fonts That Work Beautifully For Lyric Slides


Typography plays a huge role in the look and feel of your worship slides. A great typeface, or font, will immediately catch your eye and draw your audience in. If you’re looking to take the look of your lyrics from bland to beautiful, these are some great fonts to try!

1. Zooja ($24, Creative Market)

Download this font here. This background is available in the December 2016 CMG Mega Pack.

2. Nexa Bold (Free, Font Squirrel)

Download this font here. This background is available in the December 2016 CMG Mega Pack.

3. Sortdecai Brush Script ($17, Creative Market)

Download this font here. This background is available in the December 2016 CMG Mega Pack.

4. Aleo Bold (Free, Font Squirrel)

Download this font here. This background is available in the December 2016 CMG Mega Pack.

5. Bromello Script ($12, Creative Market)

Download this font here. This background is available in the December 2016 CMG Mega Pack.

6. Antonio Bold (Free, Font Squirrel)

Download this font here. This background is available in the December 2016 CMG Mega Pack.

7. Bonjour Script ($18, Creative Market)

Download this font here. This background is available in the December 2016 CMG Mega Pack.

8. Nexa Slab (Free, Font Squirrel)

Download this font here. This background is available in the December 2016 CMG Mega Pack.

Photo by Elevate Life Church in Frisco, Texas.

The Essential Media Checklist For Your Christmas Services


Christmas is the perfect time of year to be more purposeful with your visuals. Our goal at CMG was to make it super easy and affordable to make your church’s screens look great this holiday. Here is a simple checklist for all of your visual media this Christmas and where to find them:

1. Welcome Slide: Make A Good First Impression


Fill your screens with a welcoming graphic as your guests arrive. Each of our CMG Mega Packs come with a Welcome Slide motion, including this one that’s available in the December 2016 pack.

2. Announcement Slides: Inform Your Guests

announcement_2announcement_1 announcement_3

Make it easy for your audience to know what’s happening in your church by using announcement slides. Each of our CMG Mega Packs come with Pro Layers like these that allow you to easily create custom slides to fit your ministry’s needs. Get this look in the December 2016 Mega Pack.

3. Countdown Timer: Bring Everyone Together


Countdown timers make it easy to let your congregation know that it’s time to find a seat as your service begins. A matching countdown video is included in each month’s CMG Mega Pack like this one that’s from the December 2016 pack.

4. Worship Backgrounds: Enhance The Experience

song1song2 song3

Motion backgrounds are the perfect way to create a dynamic visual experience during your church’s worship songs. They bring creativity to an otherwise boring aspect of your service – text lyrics. Each of these motions can be found in the December 2016 CMG Mega Pack.

5. Mini Movie: Captivate Your Audience


Showing a “mini movie” in your service is a great way to grab the attention of your audience and point them towards Christ. This year, we have created a special mini movie that will add value to any moment in your Christmas services. You can watch a video preview of “The Angel Spoke To Mary” here.

6. Sermon Graphic: Make Your Points Pop


Not only do our Mega Packs come loaded with motion backgrounds, you get over 20 still backgrounds that work perfectly for things like scripture and sermon notes. You can get this still background in the December 2016 pack.

7. Exit Slide: Leave A Lasting Impression


Fill your screens with a friendly graphic saying goodbye as your guests leave. This moving exit background is also included in the December 2016 CMG Mega Pack.

Want These Looks For Christmas?

We love helping churches look great and make a big impact in their communities. Become a CMG Subscriber to get access to all of the latest Mega Packs!

Photo by Crossroads Church in Odessa, TX.

14 Free Colorful Soap Bubble Stills

How To Choose The Perfect Motion Background For A Worship Song


With so many motion backgrounds to choose from, it can be a little intimidating when you’re first learning to pair them with each song in your worship services. While all of our backgrounds are designed to look great in nearly every worship setting, it’s important to remember that every motion does not fit every moment. To create the most impactful visual experience in your time of worship, you must be intentional when assigning backgrounds.

Here are four factors to consider when choosing motions for each song in your service:

1. Style

The first thing to consider when choosing backgrounds for your service is the overall visual style. What is happening at your church today? What season of the year are you in? Is your pastor preaching a certain series or a topical message? It’s best to pair the style of your motions not only with the individual songs, but with these external factors to create a cohesive look. For example, in summertime, you may choose to use ocean backgrounds. Or when your pastor is speaking on God’s creation, you might use motions that have a spacey feel.

Here is an easy guide to pairing backgrounds together for a service.

Background From The January 2018 CMG Pack (Font: Montserrat)

2. Color

The color of a motion background plays a major role in the feeling of a worship song. Bright colors such as orange, pink, green, cyan and yellow can convey excitement, action, fun and growth. On the other hand, darker colors such as blue, purple and red convey calmness, peace, intimacy and love. When choosing a background, listen to the song and ask yourself what feelings it naturally produces. Then, match your color to this mood. If you’re using color lighting in your services, you’ll want to match these same colors with your LED lights, as well.

Background From The January 2018 CMG Pack (Font: Montserrat)

3. Speed

The speed of a motion background is one of the most critical aspects that can make or break a moment. A fast, busy motion used during a slow, intimate song can be a total distraction. It’s important to assess the speed of your song and choose a background that matches its tempo. In a best case scenario, the motion should seem as though it was created to be paired with that exact worship song. Keep in mind that most church presentation software comes with tools to adjust the speed of motions. But, to make choosing the perfect speed easier than ever, we created TempoMatch.

See how to use TempoMatch for your services.

Background From The January 2018 CMG Pack (Font: Montserrat)

4. Animation

The most pro-level factor to consider when choosing a motion background involves an element that is so subtle that most people don’t even catch it. Once you’ve covered all of your bases with the other important details mentioned, take note of the animation used in the motions. When listening to the lyrics of the song, pay attention to phrases that could be paired with the motion happening in the background. For example, if a song mentions moving forward, you could choose a background with animation that is pressing in. Or if a song mentions lifting up praises to God, you could use a motion where the particles are moving in an upward motion. It’s not likely that you can pull this off with every song, but when you can, it creates a memorable visual experience.

Background From The January 2018 CMG Pack (Font: Montserrat)

What Do You Think?

How do you choose your worship backgrounds? Are there any other factors to consider?
Let us know by leaving a comment below!

CMG Brings Conference Screen Visuals To Life


We have had the privilege of seeing CMG motion backgrounds used in churches all over the world. But it doesn’t stop there. Our motions have been used at dozens of conferences, too. CMG content is trusted to provide creative visuals for events focused on leadership, worship, students, kids ministry and many more. In 2017 alone, our motions were used at 42 unique conferences. Wherever there is a need for stunning graphics, you’ll find CMG.

  1. ARC Conference 2017 – Birmingham, AL
  2. ARC Conference Canada 2017 – Vancouver, BC
  3. Breakout 2017 – Hastings, MI
  4. Breathe Women’s Conference 2017 – Cambridge, UK
  5. Calibrate Conference – Tampa, FL
  6. Canadian Church Leaders Conference 2017 – Barrie, ON
  7. Collide Conference 2017 – Pickens County, SC
  8. Conclave – Chattanooga TN
  9. Conferencia Aliento 2017 – Dallas, TX
  10. Dream Conference 2017 – Phoenix, AZ
  11. Exponential East 2017 – Orlando, FL
  12. FILO 2017 – Downers Grove, IL
  13. Forward Conference 2017 – Duluth, GA
  14. Freedom Conference 2017 – Birmingham, AL
  15. Frontier Winterfest 2017 – Arlington, TX
  16. G4T Conference 2017 – Vancouver, WA
  17. Grow Conference 2017 – Birmingham, AL
  18. Gulf Coast Getaway 2017 – Panama City Beach, FL
  19. Hope Conference 2017 – Singapore
  20. Identity Youth Conference 2017 – Lethbridge, AB
  21. KKB Youth Summit 2017 – Baclaran, Philippines
  22. Love Encounter Women’s Conference – New Albany, OH
  23. Love Is Red 2017 Youth Conference – North Canton, OH
  24. Midwest Winterfest 2017 – Indianapolis, IN
  25. Next Level Leadership Conference 2017 – Fort Myers, FL
  26. Northeast Winterfest 2017 – Rochester, NY
  27. OCCUPY Dominion Conference 2017 – Brisbane, Australia
  28. Ozark Winterfest 2017 – Branson, MO
  29. Premier Winterfest 2017 – Ocean City, MD
  30. Provision Conference – New Albany, OH
  31. reFresh Conference 2017 – Prince George, VA
  32. Rez 2017 – Pigeon Forge, TN
  33. Send 2017 – Dallas, TX
  34. Send 2017 – Long Beach, CA
  35. Smoky Mountain Winterfest 2017 – Knoxville, TN
  36. SOAR Student Conference 2017 – Dallas, TX
  37. Sonfest 2017 – Orlando, FL
  38. The Roadshow 2017 Rend Collective – USA
  39. Total Life Encounters 2017 – Pigeon Forge, TN
  40. Unite Marriage Conference – Mount Pleasant, SC
  41. We Are One 2017 – Amarillo, TX
  42. Worship On The Rocks – Morrison, CO

Visual Church Media 30K Party


Let’s celebrate! Our Visual Church Media Facebook Group just hit 30,000 members and to mark the occasion, we’re holding a contest for 30 awesome prizes! Use the link below to be entered to win a Apple Watch Series 3 or one of 29 $20 Amazon gift cards. Winners will be announced in the Group on Monday, February 5th at 12:00pm ET. Duplicate entries will not be counted.

Enter The Contest


Not a part of our Facebook Group yet? It’s the perfect place to connect, learn, and share with others in church media. You can join for free today.

Join The Facebook Group

CMG Scholarship Discounts For Small Churches


We believe that every church, regardless of size or budget, deserves to have great looking screen visuals. Scholarships to CMG Subscriptions are available for church plants and small churches who are unable to pay full-price for our motion backgrounds.

To qualify, churches must have an average weekly attendance of less than 150 people.

Scholarship recipients will receive a discount on CMG Standard or Premium Subscriptions. These low prices can be used for the duration of their subscription.

Applications are reviewed by the Church Motion Graphics team and selected after careful consideration. All applicants will be notified of selection results via email.

Apply For A CMG Scholarship

Contact CMG Support For Help

The Most Popular Amount of Text for Lyric Slides


What is the correct amount of text for worship lyric slides?

This is a topic that we see come up often as we’re helping churches improve the look of their screen visuals. In most cases, the CMG recommended amount is 2-4 lines of text on each lyric slide. However, we thought it would be a lot of fun to see what churches were actually using in their services.

We recently took a poll in our Visual Church Media Facebook Group to see which of the following examples most closely resembled the look of the lyric slides churches used in their worship services. See the results below.

Love these backgrounds? You can get them in the February 2018 CMG Pack.

Over 1000 different churches submitted responses to this poll on what their slides typically look like week to week. After calculating the results, we were excited to see that the majority of these ministries aligned with our recommended amount of text for slides.

Official Poll Results

Option A: 11%
Option B: 43%
Option C: 34%
Option D: 9%
Option E: 3%

Top Trends

Like the majority of these churches, we recommend keeping your lyric slides at a clean 2-4 lines of text in most cases. This gives your audience enough text to follow along comfortably without displaying so much text that it’s hard to find your place.

Love these backgrounds? You can get them in the February 2018 CMG Pack.

What Do You Think?

Which of these styles most closely resembles what you’re doing in your church? Would you consider changing with the trend? Leave a comment below and let us know!

Easter Social Media Kit Marble Flow


Easter is the perfect time of year to be more purposeful with your visuals and outreach materials.

Our goal at CMG is to make it super easy for your church look great this Spring. In addition to creating stunning worship backgrounds and sermon templates, we have put together a professional social media campaign that you can use leading up to the big day.

Subscribe To Download or Sign In To Download

CMG Easter Social Media Kit

The CMG Easter Social Media Kit comes complete with 35 social media graphics, wide and square formats, blank versions, and the accompanying text to use with your posts on church’s social media pages. These graphics are perfect for taking your church’s Facebook and Instagram to the next level this Easter.

Subscribe To Download

March 2018 CMG Pack

Each of these social graphics matches perfectly with the upcoming March 2018 CMG Pack, as well as our free Easter Photoshop templates. This makes is super easy to give all of your promotions and service visuals a cohesive, creative look.

Subscribe To Download

CMG Easter Social Media Kit

Bring your church’s social media pages to life with these social media posts that will inspire interaction and inviting in your community. With this kit, you can post quality social content for an entire month leading up to Easter.

Subscribe To Download

CMG Easter Social Media Kit

Whether you prefer to use wide or square graphics on your social pages, we have you covered! Each post comes with both sizes. You could even use these wide graphics on your church’s screens.

Subscribe To Download

Want to customize? No problem! We have included a blank version that you can add your own text to for a totally unique look. You could even combine them with our free Pro Titles.

Your Social Media Work Is Done!

You’re only a couple clicks away from this social media kit. To download these social media graphics, you must be a Standard, Plus or Premium CMG Subscriber. Simply sign in to get started, or find the perfect Subscription for you.

Subscribe To Download
Already a CMG Subscriber? Sign In To Download

Combine These 3 Glitter Packs For 1 Great Look


The February 2018 CMG Pack has been one of our most popular collections of motion backgrounds ever. Its design is a remix of our previous January 2017 CMG Pack where we originally developed our techniques for filming glitter in motion. Both of these packs can bring a lot of energy and wonder to your worship environment.

To give even more opportunities to get creative with this popular look, we’ve created an additional CMG Extras pack to complement these two unique packs. CMG Extras are additional motion packs to extend the creativity in your worship visuals. They are available exclusively to Premium Subscribers.

Here’s a look at all three packs and how they can be combined for one great look in your worship services:

February 2018 CMG Pack (Glitter Rush)

This pack that is taking the church media world by storm is filled with 19 motion backgrounds, 3 motion titles (in English & Spanish) and a 5-minute video countdown.

See More of this Pack


Glitter Rush Extras (CMG Extras Pack)

Need more of this popular look? This Extras Pack is filled with 12 additional motions matching this style with more colors to choose from.

See More of this Pack


January 2017 CMG Pack (Glitter Flow)

Get the look that started it all! This pack is filled with 13 motion backgrounds, 3 motion titles (in English & Spanish) and a 5-minute video countdown.

See More of this Pack


Have you used any of these packs yet? Which is your favorite?

How To Use A Bumper Video In Your Worship Service


Bumper videos are short video clips that set the stage for a topic or theme in your church services. They can be used at nearly any point in your time of worship to grab the attention of your audience and transition to what’s next. Often compared to movie trailers, these videos are brief, but can make a big impact to set the tone emotionally and preview where you’re going next in the service.

Here’s a quick guide on how you can use them at your church:

1. As A Service Opener

Playing a bumper video at the beginning of your worship service is a guaranteed way to grab the attention of your audience from the start. This placement in the service can also be helpful for letting everyone know that you’re getting started.

Available with all CMG Subscriptions | Subscribe Now

2. During Your Worship Set

By showing a bumper video in your worship set, you’re able to communicate a deeper message, as well as set the tone for your next song. This placement in the service can be useful for transitions when the vocalists or band need to make changes.

3. As A Sermon Opener

Showing a bumper video before the pastor comes to speak is one of the most popular uses of these clips since it can be used to establish the teaching topic of the day. This placement in the service is also a big help for creating a smooth transition as the band leaves the stage and the pastor comes up.

4. During Your Sermon

Using a bumper video in your sermon can be an effective way to transition into the next point of your message. This placement in the service can be useful for shaking things up and recapturing the attention of your audience.

For Purchase Only | Buy Now – $25

5. As A Promo For What’s Next

Playing a bumper video as a preview for the week ahead can be a great way to keep your church family excited to come back to your next service. By placing it at the end of your worship time, you can truly get that movie trailer feel as you promote the next service.

See All Easter Resources

10 Marble Flow Lyric Slides That Will Inspire You This Easter


While plain white text is a classic look to pair with our motion backgrounds, the sky is the limit for the exciting looks that you can create for your church’s lyrics slides. Easter is a great time to be extra intentional with your media and getting creative with the way your text is displayed may be the perfect way for you to take it to the next level.

Each of the following looks was designed right inside ProPresenter and they’re possible with practically every other presentation software. These were created to match our March 2018 “Marble Flow” CMG Pack, which has a great look for this Spring season. Some include Pro Layers, which we have made available to everyone to download for free.

We hope that these looks inspire you as you get ready for Easter.

1. The Rectangle Stroke

Get this motion background in the March 2018 “Marble Flow” CMG Pack
Font Used: Montserrat

2. The Retro Rectangle

Get this motion background in the March 2018 “Marble Flow” CMG Pack
Font Used: Montserrat

3. The Expanded Block

Get this motion background in the March 2018 “Marble Flow” CMG Pack
Font Used: Montserrat

4. The Dynamic Diamond

Get this motion background in the March 2018 “Marble Flow” CMG Pack
Font Used: Montserrat

5. The Darkened Double

Get this motion background in the March 2018 “Marble Flow” CMG Pack
Font Used: Montserrat

6. The Brightened Bars

Get this motion background in the March 2018 “Marble Flow” CMG Pack
Font Used: Montserrat

7. The Centered Circle

Get this motion background in the March 2018 “Marble Flow” CMG Pack
Font Used: Montserrat

8. The Subtle Sphere

Get this motion background in the March 2018 “Marble Flow” CMG Pack
Font Used: Montserrat

9. The Expanded Lines

Get this motion background in the March 2018 “Marble Flow” CMG Pack
Font Used: Montserrat

10. The Double Stroke

Get this motion background in the March 2018 “Marble Flow” CMG Pack
Font Used: Montserrat

What Do You Think?

Were you inspired by these looks? Would you use anything like this in your church? Let us know by leaving a comment below!

Free Marble Flow ProPresenter Template


ProPresenter is a powerful presentation software platform created specifically for use in churches. It is used primarily for displaying song lyrics, Bible verses, and videos. While this program is simple to use, creating pro-level looks can be challenging to get just right.

To help make it easy to take your slides to the next level, our team has put together a template filled with title slides, lyric slides, scripture slides, and lower-third titles. These 24 unique slides come bundled with still images from our popular Marble Flow CMG Pack for Easter.

This download comes complete with a video tutorial that walks you through each of step of using this in your church. Each part of this template is fully editable within ProPresenter 6 and is sure to take your presentations to the next level. You’re only a few clicks away from a new look for your screens.

Download Free Template Now


The best part? This professional template is 100% free to download.

Download Free Template Now


About The Designer

This template was designed by Trevor Day. He has served in the church world and worked with ProPresenter for the past 10 years. He has been at The Village Church in Dallas, TX as the Video Manager for the past three years. Trevor is a zealous reader, food lover, and ping pong enthusiast. He enjoys making the mundane engaging.

How To Create A Custom Facebook Profile Frame + 3 Free Templates


Facebook recently launched Frame Studio allowing anyone to create their own custom profile frames for their cause. This easy tool provides a huge advantage to churches who can now share a customized frame that allows followers to easily spread the word about the church or upcoming events.

With Easter just around the corner, many churches are using this tool to get the word out about their services. By having your congregation add frames with event information onto their Facebook profile pictures, many of their friends outside of the church see this info right in their new feeds.


Download 3 Free Templates

To make it easy for you to get started, our team has put together three free Photoshop templates that you an customize for your church to use. Each of them matches our Marble Flow CMG Pack that we’ve designed to look great this Easter. In less than 5 minutes, you can fill in your church information and export a PNG file that’s ready to use. It’s easy and fun!

Download Free Facebook Profile Frames



Download Free Facebook Profile Frames


How To Publish A Custom Facebook Profile Frame

1. Go to the Camera Effect Page to start creating your profile frame.

2. Click the blue “Open Frame Studio” in the top right corner.

3. A new “Create A Frame” window will pop up. Here, you’ll be prompted to drag and drop a PNG image. There is some debate in the Facebook community about the best size to use, but we created ours to be 1200 x 1200 and it worked great. Graphics like this can be created in software/apps like Photoshop or Canva.

4. Make sure that your previews look exactly as planned. Select the “Owner” of the frame as your church’s Facebook page. Click Next to move forward. You’ll be brought to a second page of options. Here, you’ll name your frame and provide some other basic information like when you want to make this frame available. Once you’ve completed this page, click Next.

5. Finish the process by clicking Publish. You’re new custom profile frame is now ready to be used and shared with your community!


Download Free Facebook Profile Frames


What Do You Think?

Are you using a custom Facebook profile frame? What other ways are you using Facebook to invite people to your church Easter service?

The Essential Checklist For Successful Easter Media


Ready to bring the wow factor to your Easter services? At Church Motion Graphics, we’ve made it easy to utilize the power of visuals to inspire your community in ways like never before. We have products that can bring creativity to every moment of your time worshipping together.

Feature Photo: Piedmont Chapel in High Point, NC

Here’s a simple guide to how you can bring these media elements together:

1. Social Media Posts

Social Media

We have put together a professional social media campaign that your church can use all month long. This download includes 35 visual posts that will bring life to your social pages and help spread the word about your church in the community. Plus, it matches our March 2018 CMG Pack perfectly.

Download Easter Social Media Kit


2. Welcome Slide

Fill your screens with a welcoming graphic as your guests arrive. Each of our CMG Packs come with a Welcome Slide motion, including this one that’s available in the March 2018 CMG pack.

Download March 2018 CMG Pack


3. Announcement Slides

Make it easy for your audience to know what’s happening in your church by using announcement slides. Our CMG Template library is filled with many announcements like this one that you can customize to fit your event perfectly.

Browse CMG Template Library


4. Countdown Timer

Countdown timers make it easy to let your congregation know that it’s time to find a seat as your service begins. A matching countdown video is included in each month’s CMG Pack like this one that’s from the March pack.

Download March 2018 CMG Pack


5. Easter Bumper Video

Video bumpers are a great way to capture the attention of your audience. This Easter, we’ve made two new videos available that match the March “Marble Flow” look. They both make it easy to add a special creative detail to your services.

Learn More About Easter Video Bumpers


6. Worship Backgrounds

Motion backgrounds are the perfect way to create a dynamic visual experience during your church’s worship songs. They bring creativity to an otherwise boring aspect of your service – text lyrics. Each of these motions can be found in the March pack.

Download March 2018 CMG Pack


7. Custom Built Titles

Make it easy for your audience to know what’s happening in each moment of your service with custom titles. Our new Title Builder tool allows you to easily create custom stills and motion title slides to fit your ministry’s needs.

Learn More About Title Builder


8. Sermon Graphics

Using a creative visual with your preaching and teaching can create a lasting impression. Our CMG Template library is filled with hundreds of customizable sermon graphics that make it easy to grab the attention of your congregation during your messages.

Browse CMG Template Library


9. Exit Slide

Fill your screens with a friendly graphic saying goodbye as your guests leave. This moving exit background is also included in the March pack.

Browse CMG Template Library


Want These Looks For Easter?

We love helping churches look great and make a big impact in their communities. Become a CMG Subscriber to get access to all of the latest packs!

We’ve Handpicked Backgrounds For Easter’s Top 10 Worship Songs


Easter is almost here and churches all over the world are preparing for powerful worship services to celebrate our risen Savior. One of the most important elements of every Easter service is the music.

We recently took a poll in our Visual Church Media Facebook Group, now made up of over 31,000 members, on what songs their churches would be singing this Easter. We were surprised to see just how similar the set lists were in ministries around the world.

To help make your life easier going into your Easter services, we’ve handpicked motion backgrounds that match perfect with the top 10 most popular songs for this holiday. All of these motions are from our new March 2018 CMG Pack.

1. Glorious Day by Passion

March 2018 CMG PackMarble Flow Dash
TempoMatch | Fast
CCLI #7081388

2. Resurrecting by Elevation Worship

March 2018 CMG PackMarble Flow Royal
TempoMatch | Slow
CCLI #7051507

3. What A Beautiful Name by Hillsong Worship

March 2018 CMG PackMarble Flow Darkness
TempoMatch | Slow
CCLI #7068424

4. Death Was Arrested by North Point

March 2018 CMG PackMarble Flow Wave
TempoMatch | Slow
CCLI #7046448

5. O Praise The Name by Hillsong Worship

March 2018 CMG PackMarble Flow Merge
TempoMatch | Slow
CCLI #7037787

6. Forever by Kari Jobe

March 2018 CMG PackMarble Flow Rose
TempoMatch | Slow
CCLI #7001228

7. Reckless Love by Cory Asbury

March 2018 CMG PackMarble Flow River
TempoMatch | Slow
CCLI #7089641

8. Overcome by Elevation Worship

March 2018 CMG PackMarble Flow Crave
TempoMatch | Medium
CCLI #7089641

9. This Is Amazing Grace by Phil Wickham

March 2018 CMG PackMarble Flow Jungle
TempoMatch | Medium
CCLI #6333821

10. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today by NCC Worship

March 2018 CMG PackMarble Flow Pink
TempoMatch | Medium
CCLI #7019316

Download March 2018 CMG Pack

3 Encouraging Things To Remember As You Prepare For Easter


Easter is only a few days away and, if you’re like most involved in ministry, you’re feeling the pressure. This is a big day for the Church and a great opportunity to minister to many people who will be joining you for service. However, this season can be hectic for those working behind the scenes, so we’re here to drop some encouragement into the craziness.

Here are 3 encouraging things to remember as you prepare for Easter:

1. What You’re Doing Is Important

Your role in your church is making a big difference. It matters! All of the extra hours that you’re putting in to make your service special is an investment in eternity. Your hard work and dedication are leading the way for people to connect with the risen Savior.

2. Everything Cannot Be Perfect

Going the extra mile and striving for excellence are important, but don’t get caught up in chasing perfection. Give God your best and count on Him to do the rest. Put your focus on the projects that will make the biggest impact on your crowd and are the most noticeable. A few great things are better than many mediocre ones.

3. Jesus Wants To Connect With You

In the midst of all of this work for God, we can often forget to connect with Him ourselves. Remember that you’re at your best when you’re close to Jesus. Be intentional to seek Him in this season and allow yourself to be ministered to as we celebrate this resurrection.

From the entire CMG Team, we wish you a very Happy Easter!

Marble Flow CMG Pack Makes Massive Impact On Easter 2018


The “Marble Flow” March 2018 CMG Pack was one of the most popular looks we’ve ever created at Church Motion Graphics. Easter is always one of best times of the year for churches to be more intentional with their service and outreach materials. Each year, our team spends hundreds of collective hours researching top design trends and translating them into useable resources for ministry context.

Feature Photo: Concord Church in St Louis, MO

All of the hard work paid off for Easter 2018. We saw over 90,000 downloads of Marble Flow themed media. Whether it was motion backgrounds, still graphics, bumper videos, social media posts or Photoshop templates, people couldn’t get enough of this look!

See The March 2018 CMG Pack

Here’s a look at some of the Marble Flow excitement shared in our Facebook Group:

Worship Services


Printed Materials


Graphics & Social Media


New Resources This Year

Our Easter Social Media Kit was downloaded over 2000 times. This download includes 35 unique social media images that make it easy for your church to look great online. Find Out More About This Kit

Our Marble Flow Facebook Profile Frame Templates were downloaded over 1400 times. This download makes it easy to create a great look that your community can share on Facebook. Get The Templates Here

Our Marble Flow ProPresenter Template was downloaded over 1000 times. It makes it super easy to get a great look for lyric slides and sermon presentations. Get This Template Here


“I have to give a huge shout-out to the Church Motion Graphics squad for absolutely saving my Resurrection Sunday. With everything else I had going on, if it wouldn’t have been for these folks, I would’ve struggled to put together this production. We saw over 2,000 people come through the venue we had the service in, everything ran seamlessly, and above all else, people had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Best weekend ever!” -Ryan Banes

“Marble Flow for the win. Helping us smaller churches make things look so much bigger.” -William Watkins

“I want to thank you for the Easter bumper video. It was a huge hit at my church this morning. People even asked me if I made it. I told them that I’m not that talented.” -Jonathon Caithness

“Thanks for making our Easter Services look the part!” -Melina Dulluku Fisico

Download March 2018 CMG Pack

CMG Social Now Available


At CMG, we love helping churches look great. There’s nothing that gets us more excited than seeing a ministry’s atmosphere totally improved by using our motion backgrounds, titles, or templates. But, we also realize that church is so much more than weekend services. Our customers need a way to connect with their congregations the rest of the week.

With this goal in mind, we created a brand new product that we’re really excited to introduce to you – CMG Social. These quick and easy social media graphics make it easy to engage your church family all week long and reach even more people in your community through social media.

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Everything You Need To Look Great On Social

We’ve taken the guesswork out of managing successful social media pages for your church. Simply choose one of our creative graphics from our large library of social media content, download to your device, and post to your page! Since our graphics are designed with crowd engagement in mind, you’ll get more likes, shares, and comments than ever. See Full Collection

CMG Social


Text & Blank Versions Included

We understand how important flexibility is to those working in the Church. Want to customize? No problem! We have included blank versions of every graphic that you can add your own text to for a totally unique look. With options like this, you can easily repurpose a graphic to fit your specific need. See Full Collection

CMG Social


Over 500 Social Graphics + More To Come

We’ve loaded the CMG Social collection with over 500 great looks, and more are on the way! Each month, our team of talented designers will be working hard to bring you fresh graphics to use on your social pages. The possibilities are endless with this new content at your disposal each month. Plus, our library includes bonus content from our partners – Word Snackers, Zeke Tucker, and YouVersion. See Full Collection


Available To Premium Subscribers

Adding these tools to your creative arsenal doesn’t have to cost a fortune. We have made our entire CMG Social library available as a part of our CMG Premium Subscription. So, not only will you improve your social media pages, but you’ll be equipped with thousands of motion backgrounds, titles, and templates. It’s never been more affordable to look great!

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5 Tips For Increased Engagement On Instagram


Instagram can be a powerful social tool to help your church reach people in your community. It’s one of the most popular social media platforms and it’s growing in users from all age groups daily.

If you’ve created an Instagram account for your ministry, but are wondering how you can increase the number of followers, likes, and comments that you’re getting, we’re here to help.

Here are five tips to increase engagement on your page:

1. Post Consistently

Increasing engagement begins by giving your online audience something to engage with. Set goals to post frequently and consistently. A good starting point is to post on Instagram at least once per day around the same time, so that your audience knows when to expect your posts.

These social graphics are available now from CMG Social. See More


2. Aim To Add Value

It can be easy to get caught up in what you want from your audience, but it’s best to ask what you can give to your followers. Seek to provide value to their life with your posts. This may look like encouragement, spiritual reminders or just good, clean fun.

These social graphics are available now from CMG Social. See More


3. Use Creative Imagery

Beyond sharing photos of what’s happening at your church, using creative graphics in your posts can bring a lot of life to your page. Professional-quality graphics with creative fonts and imagery capture the imagination and show intentionality.

These social graphics are available now from CMG Social. See More


4. Ask Your Audience Questions

Asking questions is one of the best ways to increase the amount of comments on your posts. People enjoy sharing their thoughts and experiences online. When you ask questions, you’re giving them permission to speak up and participate in the conversation.

These social graphics are available now from CMG Social. See More


5. Post About Relevant Topics

When planning your posts, it’s always a good idea to keep in mind what’s happening in the world around you. What are people already talking about? Is there an upcoming holiday? Join in on the larger conversation with your Instagram page.

These social graphics are available now from CMG Social. See More


CMG Social Makes This Super Easy

Increasing engagement on your social pages doesn’t have to be difficult. CMG Social has over 500 graphics that are ready to use and make Instagram super simple. Our entire CMG Social library is available now as a part of the CMG Premium Subscription. So, not only will you improve your social media pages, but you’ll be equipped with thousands of motion backgrounds, titles, and templates. It’s never been easier to look great!

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